The Impact

Qarib Is A Regional Programme Funded By AFD, Agence Française de Développement, And Implemented By CFI, The French Media Development Agency


About Qarib

Qarib supports media outlets operating in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine in order to boost social cohesion, promote the integration of communities and encourage public debate. Qarib is a regional programme funded by AFD, Agence Française de Développement, and implemented by CFI, the French media development agency.

Qarib Objectives

Promote local and investigative journalism to cover daily issues relevant to citizens.

Bolster the independence of the media and its role in fighting disinformation

Turn media outlets into forums with the aim of reducing social tensions

Qarib Objectives

Promote local and investigative journalism to cover daily issues relevant to citizens.

Bolster the independence of the media and its role in fighting disinformation

Turn media outlets into forums with the aim of reducing social tensions


Experts And Media Professionals Meet Together To Highlight Sensitive And Informative Topics From Around The Globe That Affects The Region.

The Sa7 Project

The project seeks to establish a network of organizations and individuals in four countries: Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, and Iraq, who will work together to combat the spread of misinformation and disinformation by promoting pre and post fact-checking best practices and methodologies, and instilling the concept of fact-checking within Arab media outlets through collaboration with written, visual, audio, and online media outlets; fact-checking organizations and individuals; and media professors and students.


7amleh is poised to deliver a multifaceted intervention addressing digital violations and safeguarding Palestinian digital rights amidst evolving challenges.

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